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Question: InfraRed Photography!.!?
If I took a picture of Hanford Nuclear Reservation with IR film at night, would I see anything "unusual" or would the film already be exposed by the radiation and be rendered useless!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
John F is incorrect!. Infrared film does not react to heat!. It reacts to a wavelength of light not perceived by the human eye!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Plutonium, and other heavy radioactive nuclei, decay by alpha emission, which only travels a few centimetres in air, so no radiation would reach you unless you were incredibly close to the source!.

Regardless of that fact, alpha radiation would not affect photographic film, visible or IR!. Infrared film has only a slight extension in sensitivity to the infrared band, nowhere near the much longer wavelengths of thermal infrared radiation!.

In the end, no, you wouldn't record anything unusual!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The amount of radiation necessary to fog your IR film would kill you !.!.!. no such radiation is present on the site that is not contained !.!.!. otherwise no one could work at the site!.

IR film is sensitive to long light waves that are invisible to the human eye!. If the sun is reflecting off one of the surfaces of the buildings, then the film would record that!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Infra red film reacts to heat not radiation!. What you will get, I can only imagine!. With black and white infra red film ( if that's
what you use ) anything warm will show up white and anything cool will show up black and everything else in intermediate grays!. Green leaves look like snow!.

Like this:

Color infra red film is even stranger!. The colors will be turned about, sort of like your monitor going bad!.

It looks like this:

No you wouldn't!.
There is only the tiniest amount of radiation there, and no particular amount of IR there (no more than any other building)!. Nuclear radiation is a much much shorter wavelength than IR!.Www@QuestionHome@Com