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Question: Would you go back to a film camera!?
If one of the major film makers came out with a film that gave you the grain if an ISO 50 film but was as fast as ISO 6400 would you consider using a film camera again!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I am thinking about using it again anyway, regardless!.

Not instead of digital, but as well as!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Absolutely NOT!. I just wish they had digital when I got into the business 35 years ago!. I shoot wildlife and there are many a shot that I've missed because I ran out of film or could not instantly "see" what I just shot, or I could not immediately change my ISO to suit the changing situations!. And, being able to instantly change ASA or ISO is a blessing that I never had either!. The flexibility of changing quality is great too!. Having to wait for film processing was a real drag also!. And, trying to "explain" EXACTLY what you wanted the photo printing company to do to alter your shot was always impossible, while now I can do it myself just the way I want it!. Far too many restrictions using film cameras and equipment!. Film is dead, whether anyone wants to believe it or not!. My agent will NOT even accept film images any longer!. Etc, etc, etc!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's going to be a good fifty years before the finest digital can offer the same quality of an 800 ISO film! The quality of a 100 ISO film may follow in about ten to twenty years from that so I would say that given the time it will take for digital to reach the current quality of a slow speed film (60 to 70 years) that "NO", I would not leave the film camera and "YES" I would go back to a film camera!. I do have some digital cameras but those are for playing with!. They aren't taken seriously!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Excuse me!? Go back!? For most people that buy a camera nowadays going to film would be a step forward!. Then they could do poster or wall size prints with a medium or large camera, or record change of light images with reproprosity failure!.

Work production yes mostly digital!. Anything I really care about goes onto film!.

When I go on holiday in August I will take 2 slr bodies and one digi body!. Film for change of light and beach shots (a $30 body lost to water or sand damage dont hurt like losing a digi body), digi for snap shots!.

Flash is a tool, sometimes used for creativity sometimes for nessicity!.


That would be a great thing no matter if it was film or digital! I do still use film, but not as much as before!. I printed an 8x10 from a negative today, (but also made five 8x10's from digital) I think usable good quality ISO 6400 is on the horizon for digital!. May never be for film, because not as much R&D is going that direction!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I am with the others in that I have never left film!. I do have some top notch digital gear, (Canon 1Ds body and 3 L lenses), but it is used for "work" type use!. When I want to really create, my Mamiya medium format film camera wins out everytime!.

With digital I feel like I am participating in a video game, with film I feel like an artist with paint, and brushes, and a blank canvas!.


I have a film of ISO 50 and am quite satisfied with it!. It is black and white, but that is what I like!.

As for 6400, why does anyone need it for normal shooting!?

Would I go back to film!? I never left it - there is no way at this time that you get the quality of picture out of digital that you can out of filmWww@QuestionHome@Com

Never left it!.

If you want superb image quality it is hard to beat a Mamiya RZ67 or Wista 8x10!.

Digital is for production!. Film is for art!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yeah - I've never really left film at all, and I don't really plan on leaving it behind as well!. I've not been blown away by digital - sure, there are some pretty results, but for my own work I trust in film!.

Really, for matters like this, it's entirely up to the artist!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes I would!.!.!.and would still use if more, but I live in a small town and the processing is difficult to get as well as the film!.!.!.there is no comparison of digital and film!.!.!.I can take much better photos with film and much better control!.!.!.to bad its a lost "art' to the general publicWww@QuestionHome@Com

Never!.!.!.my enlarger, Bronica SQ, Mamyia C-330, 46mm long roll, Minolta HTSI, 7000SI and 5000 are ALL collecting dust!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I just can't get beyond missing out on Fuji Velvia, Kodak Tri-X, and Ilford Pan F+!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I never left film!.Www@QuestionHome@Com
