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Position:Home>Visual Arts> My microsoft paint art... please give some constructive critism?

Question: My microsoft paint art!.!.!. please give some constructive critism!?
i made a drawing one day on the computer when I was bored!. The only problem was that i was not sure which style i wanted to go for!. I have three versions I am not sure which one i prefer!.




which one do you prefer!? How can i improve my msp drawing!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Not bad, I gotta say, considering the limitations of the application!.

Did you draw with a mouse, or with a digital drawing tablet!?

In either case, it's time you moved up to a more powerful set of tools, such as Photoshop Elements!. You can do so much more subtle effects in this application!.

There is no question that you have some real drawing skill, especially if you can do other poses and other subjects!.


The first one!.!.!.I like the hair best in this one!. It looks like a full head of hair!. I think its the "sexiest" of the three, and the other two look like she might look after a bad haircut!.

The Second one, I feel, is the right color!. It looks a little strange to only have the lips and bow colored that bold red and have the rest be merely black and white!. A colored dress adds balance to the picture!.

the only other things I would consider 'touching up' or changing would be on the face!. The mermaids right cheekbone (appearing on the left on the screen) seems to extend too far!. This could be improved by simply adding some more hair!. also, I think the nose might want to be touched up a little!. To gain more balance in the face, perhaps consider adding a grey shade, which will allow you to add detail without it appearing as bold as it would appear in plain black!.

Overall though, I think you have done quite well!. Like I said, use the hair from the first, perhaps make it even fuller!. As for the color, consider either the second option (red dress), or expirement further to see if anything else works as well!. Third, consider adding one or two tones of grey!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i thought the first and third were the same!. i love the black and white ones (1&3)!. they would make awesome note cards or even a cool cover for a pocket calender, address book etc!. keep working at it, its obvious you have a talent!. good luck!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I prefer the mostly b/w version, think it works without making the ribbon red!. Too much colour becomes tiresome!.

The face needs a little adjusting-- cheek appears a bit distorted!. Otherwise pretty good stuff, keep at it!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I like the third and I think something to draw your eye from the red flower to the rest of the image!. The arm stretching back is a close job but my eye still kind of gets lots in her face!. imoWww@QuestionHome@Com

first of all my hearty appreciations for such a beautiful drawing!.!.!.!.i thing u can give peacock color to the dressWww@QuestionHome@Com

i like the last oneWww@QuestionHome@Com

i liked the firstWww@QuestionHome@Com

the second one i could never do something like that on paintWww@QuestionHome@Com