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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Cheap Lighting Ideas For Night Photography With an SB-600.?

Question: Cheap Lighting Ideas For Night Photography With an SB-600!.!?
I have a Nikon N80 and an SB-600!.(yes, film)

The Place I'll Be Shooting Has Neon and other Lights on a building in the background!.
I Suppose I'll have 1-2 People In the Picture!.

What are some neat ways to change the lighting angle without a wall to bounce from!?

I Thought about setting the camera to self-timer+Slow sync and standing in the direction of the flash with a slightly shiny( maybe even colored) piece of poster board!.!.!.

Will this work Or Should I Just Stick to Direct diffused flash!.!.!.Which is better that nothing!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

Be prepared!. Theres alot of info here!.


See, that's a perfect example as to why digital is so much better than film!. With a good digital camera, you can change your white balance to match your lighting situation, instantly change ISO, and "see" the results so you can modify the image and get "exactly" what you want!. Etc, etc, etc!.!.!.!.!.!.
I'll NEVER go back to film!. It's a drag!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well to do what you want to do I would not use a flash at all!. Rather set the camera on a tripod and remote shutter release and shoot with a film speed of ISO/ASA 100 then set the camera on Bulb then take some 5 to 10 sec exposures depending on the F stop your using!.
IMO a flash at night gives very poor results outdoorsWww@QuestionHome@Com

A large piece of white card would do it!. Or if you can find someone with a white shirt then you can bounce off that!.Third option is try a LightSphere to difuse the light!.


Get a white sheet or white poster board!. The light will bounce off of it and onto your subject(s)!. It also works great during the day!.Www@QuestionHome@Com