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Question: Good artists!?
This summer I want to get more art edgemucated! lol Who are some good older artists, and some more modern ones!? ThanxWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Some older artists are:

Delecriox, Ignes, Constable, Turner

Impressionists who were revolutionary for their time:
Degas, Monet, Manet, Pissaro, Renoir, Touse lertrec, Sisley, Rodin, Morisot
Seurat, Cezanne

The Group of Seven, who are Canadian Landscape painters:
Harris, Carmichael, Casson, Thompson, Jackson, Varley, MacDonald, Carr

The lists of good artists go on!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Jenny Saville (!!!)
Odd Nerdrum
Egon Schiele
Gustav Klimt
Alberto Giacometti
Paula Rego
Cy Twombly

I know this is listed under "painting" in yahoo answers!.!.!.
but if you're interested in art, I bet you wouldn't mind looking into some great potters/ceramists:

Robert Turner
Lucie Rie
Hans Coper
Shoji Hamada
Warren MacKenzie
Edmund de Waal
Bonnie Seeman!.!.!.

Depends what artwork you like!. But some of my favourite artists are (and they're all quite different):

Jack Vettriano

Dave McKean

Tamara de Lempicka

H!.R!. Giger

They're all 20th century and past that by the way!. Check out their works, i hope you like them :)Www@QuestionHome@Com
