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Question: Monochrome Film!?
Let's see if I understand this correctly!.

Monochrome Film is sensitive to only one wavelength of light!. this film is Black and White!.

Is that all there is to it!? Can anyone explain something more about it!?

Thank you!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Not quite true!.

Monochrome is a technique, usually involving one colour throughout the image, like chrome on chrome on chrome or red on red on red!.

While IR film has increased sensitivity to IR wavelengths, it is still sensitive to the other colours of the spectrum, so some kind of filter has to be placed in front of the film (a red 25a filter allows you to compose and focus without removing the filter)!.

Sorting out specific wavelengths has to do with filter choice, not so much the film, although as mentioned above, there are films that have special sensitivities to certain wavelengths !.!.!. ortho film for instance is "blind" to red!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The following should help you better understand!.




Black and white film is sensitive to all visible wavelengths of light, although not equally!. Think of it as luminance, which produce film density, thus resulting in shades of gray!.Www@QuestionHome@Com