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Position:Home>Visual Arts> What does it mean when some1 crosses out your tagging?

Question: What does it mean when some1 crosses out your tagging!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Its a sign of disrespect!.!.!.!. usually from a rival gang!.!.!. Tag bangers are ridiculous!.!.!. if you have skill and can put some sort of art up on a wall people usually wont touch it!.!.!. but if its getting crossed out!.!.!.
A!. You suck at writing graffiti!.
B!. Your in a gang and a rival gang is telling you keep off their turf!.
C!.!.Your grafitti is getting confused with gang tags!.
D!.A and b
E!.All of the above!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It means they dont want your filthy sh!t all over the wall!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

thay haters or they are a rivel gangWww@QuestionHome@Com