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Question: Help!?! How do I do this!?!!?
OK so how do I take a picture like this!? Need it for Myspace!?


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I know that he takes self portraits, so he probably used a self timer, or something of the sort!. Do not use the flash, and probably go outside and use natural lighting to get that kind of look!.
Try editing on the computer to get the 'over exposed' look, and just mess around with it in general!. It looks light he used a screen effect, or lighten possibly, in photoshop or a program of the same type!.
Try a thrift store or trinket store to find something like that heart, possibly!.
Hope that helps!Www@QuestionHome@Com

image of alex evans popular

any camera for basic shots, set camera with timer, try various settings, and view to edit later,

heart could be made, cut out shape from material, sew edges except side, turn inside out, fill with pillow stuffing , hand stitch seam,


Tripod and a mirrror shot or a timer and a haze filter!.Www@QuestionHome@Com