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Question: Walgreens Photo Help!?
tomorrow i'm taking my grad pics to make copies over there!.
do they make copies of photos!?
how long will it take!?

and my grad pics are wallet size!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
~Yes they do!.
First of all was the picture taken by a professional!?
Does it have any kind of mark or logo on any of the corners!?
If it does then you can't make copies of them!. They are copyrighted!. You'd have to call the people who took the pictures and order copies!.

If it doesn't have any of that then you have another problem!. The pictures are too small!. You would only be able to make them that size, not bigger!.

It that is what you want then you are ok!. They'll take about and hour or two to print them!. (That's how it works in my neighborhood)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com