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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Is it ok to shoot my family members when they aren't looking?

Question: Is it ok to shoot my family members when they aren't looking!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Not with a gun or weapon of any kind!. With a camera, yes!. Candids make for good, natural pictures!. You have to get really good at becoming part of the background (don't ask me how you do it!. I've been trying for years but it doesn't always work!. Maybe a newpaper guy can help you)!. Oh, and try not to take embarassing pictures of them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If your family members do not want you to take their photo while they aren't looking, then you should respect that!. Ask them first before you go shutter crazy on them! I'm sure they won't mind though, since you are family :)

It can be kinda hard to get those candid shots though because as soon as someone realizes you have a camera pointed at them, they'll stop what they're doing and pose! You might have to tell them over and over "don't pay attention to me! just keep doing what you're doing!." After 4 years of this, I've actually gotten my friends and family trained to not pay any attention to the camera while I'm taking photos, unless I tell them to look at the camera!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Ask them before you began!. These are my favorite photographs of all!. I don't like the stiff posed photo's!. They should not mind!. also, try capture what they are doing with their hands, ect!. This can make a photo interesting!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Natural photos are always the best because it's you taken unexpectedly!.
When people know that they are being photographed, they put a false side or too much of what isn't natural!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yea - with a camera!.

They make great photos and - more often than not - excellent blackmail!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Ask them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com