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Question: Getting a press pass for an event!?
If i email a venue explaining that i am a student studying photography and that i need a work experience to go on a course would I be able to get a press pass!?
Or is it not that simple!.!.haa, if not tips and pointers!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I grew up in a small town and I contacted the local paper!. I gave them the picture I took in exchange for the photo line!. I broke into the business by doing it for free for a long time!. The Paper went belly up but I was move foward up untill then!.

I used this connection to do concerts and local fairs and such and always got in free!. They did all the leg work as far as getting in the venues and getting the performers for the photos!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You may want to pay a visit to your college paper's office!. If you explain the situation to the photo editor they may be able to issue you a press pass on site or at lease coordinate with the venue!. If you show up at the venue with a press pass from your college paper the venue may have no problems letting you shoot!. Good luck!!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com