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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Is there a way to fix mistakes with conte?

Question: Is there a way to fix mistakes with conte!?
i am doing a portrait of my girlfriend for our anniversary and i messed up a small bit around the eyes i am using orangeish colored conte crayon and charcoal is there a way to fix the mistake without smearing itWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
If you have not pressed too hard, you can lift charcoal and conte with a kneaded eraser!. These are available at art supply stores!.

You soften the eraser by squeezing it for a few minutes in your fingers and then, PRESSING (not rubbing) it into the paper!. Lift what you can with the first pressing and then knead it some more and press again!. Keep repeating untill no more will lift out!.

At that point, if there is still too much dark left, you can try gently rubbing the mark!. What this does is actually rub some of the paper off, hopefully taking the last of the charcoal and conte with it!. You can't do much of this or you will rub a hole in the paper!.!.

It's going to be all you can do!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Either shave a white Mars eraser to a sharp point at one corner, and you can sort of chisel that area out very carefully!. Or, if that doesn't work, very lightly scrape the surface with an X-acto blade, but take care not to tear through the surface!. Hope that works! And, that is so sweet of you to make a portrait for her!. Happy Anniversary!Www@QuestionHome@Com