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Question: Artistic GF help!?
my gf is a great artist and everyone thinks so, her teacher wants her to take an advanced placement art class next year but its an all year cores!.!.!. and we where going to take ceramicks in 2nd semester!.!.!. what should i do!.!.!. should i tell her to take ap art or ceramicks with me!.!.!. plz helpWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
If she is indeed gifted in that area, and even the teachers think so, let her take her ap art!. It's just a couple of hours and u can still see each other after school!. If u love her, let her grow and do what's best for her!. Dating during class time isn't very productive anyway!.!.!.!.right!? :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

let your girlfriend pursue her possibly future!. and instead of you taking a ceramics class maybe you should consider a spelling classWww@QuestionHome@Com