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Position:Home>Visual Arts> What is the best book to learn about Photography ?

Question: What is the best book to learn about Photography !?
Im very green at this!.
I am pretty good though!.
Currently Im waitingg to go to the college and
I have been practicing on random family members when they get chances inbetween to be my "dummy"!.
If your a professional photographer leave your website name so I can check it out!.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Understanding Exposure by Bryan Peterson!.

You learn how to expose for front-lit, back-lit, side-lit scenes, overcast skies, macro photography, motion, stationery objects, how to expose for bright scenes such as snow and dark scenes such as night photography and much more!. Then Bryan Peterson tops it off with sections on metering, special techniques and filters, and an analysis of film cameras vs digital cameras!.

This book also has hands-on exercises that anyone can go through so that the reader can experience all of the methods explained!. Along with this, the book is FULL of color photos that show exactly what the end result could be!. Sometimes there are comparisons of pictures of before and after exposure adjustments so the reader can understand WHY they should make such changes!.

Overall, it's a very helpful teaching tool for anyone starting out in photography!.

Hope this helps!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Since you're very new to this, theres a book called "Mastering Digital SLR Photography" by David D!. Busch!.!.!. that book teaches basics of photography (that's if you're in for digital) but there are plenty of good books at the library for film as well!.

Yeah you can go out and start shooting, but that's not what it all takes!.!. You gotta have some sort of back knowledge!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

skip the books -get a camera and take some classes at the local community college!. this is a skill that comes with hands-on experience!.Www@QuestionHome@Com