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Position:Home>Visual Arts> 20 Second Animation Project (for 3D Animation class)?

Question: 20 Second Animation Project (for 3D Animation class)!?
I'm going to the Art Institute of Colorado for Visual Effects and Motion Graphics!. This is my final for my 3D Animation class, I spent about 55-60 hours on modeling and rendering!. My assignment was to create a 20 second animation using 3Ds Max!. I am making a longer version since this one has to be only 20 seconds!. Please tell me what you think and what you think would help in my longer piece!. Im projecting about a minute to a minute-thirty on the final render so I have a lot of room to fill!.
Its a myspace video, if it dosnt work let me know and I will double check but it should!.


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The plane comes into the first shot nicely, but in the second it slows down very evenly when it almost touches the wall!. Why!? In the movie, it's unclear why it chooses to almost stop in midair!.

When the missile lauches, it's speed is too slow and it remains in frame for too long!. It should shoot off much quicker!. Some motion blur would also help the rocket's takeoff feel more real!. The same thing goes for the shot where the rocket heads toward the camera!. The rocket needs to be faster, and motion blur would be nice!. There's also something weird going on with the camera in that shot!. The camera shakes like it's being handheld, then it completely stabilizes for a second, then goes back to being shaky handheld!. The change and the change back is too abrupt and disruptive!.Www@QuestionHome@Com