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Position:Home>Visual Arts> What do you think? please answer.?

Question: What do you think!? please answer!.!?
this photo here i took a couple of nights ago!. I love photography and I'm hoping to become a professional photographer once i leave school in 2 years!.!.!.
In this photograph me and my family believe i have captured a water spout!.!. do you think its a water spout of just the water lit up!?
thanks guys

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
omg, that picture is amazing and unbelieveable and indescribable!!!! i think that you will have a great career in photography!!! and yes, i do think it is a water spout!. the water is probably reacting to the lightning!!! keep up the phenominal work!!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

If it were me I would COPYRIGHT EVERYTHING!. You never know who will have a need for a photo and be willing to offer some $ for the use of one, it could happen in the near or distant future!.
Good Work!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

wow! that is an awesome picture! you're really good and yes, I think that is a water spout you have captured!. you should work for national geographic!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Great photo!

My theory is that you photographed a lightening bolt and as it struck the water the intense heat caused some water to expand which pushed up the water surface!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think it appears to be lightning striking the water!. It would be less than likely that the lightning would strike through the water spout!.
