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Question: Photography basics!.!?
i take a photographyclass @ school bt the teacher doesn't teach us much she just says "okay go outside and take photographs" and i don't know much abt photography (lighting, composition etc!.)
please explain the basics

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
nature photography help for beginners

basic photography tips

macro photography basics

How long have you got!?

If your school class isn't doing it for you, it really is a case of reading the books, trying any other courses you can find, look - really LOOK - at every photograph you see, everywhere you see them and practice, practice, practice!.
Oh, and you might try asking your teacher!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Like they said, you can't really give a brief answer!. It takes some time and practise just to learn the basics!.

A great book I know of and love is a book called KISS Guide to Photography(author is John Garrett)!. You could find it on Amazon just by searching the name though!. I think it will really help a lot!.Www@QuestionHome@Com