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Position:Home>Visual Arts> What wld u define as a creative environment?

Question: What wld u define as a creative environment!?
as in acreative environment for an art student, what wld this environment consist of!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Don't fall into the trap of having to create a creative environment!.

Instead understand that YOU are the creative environment you seek!. Creativity is a habit that is developed, like a muscle in training!.!.!. or like any other practice such as music!.

It doesn't happen in a vacuum!. It can not be forced!. It must be fed and nourished like a plant!. It must be allowed to rest!.
The environment must be conducive to growth, to stimulation, to learning, to listening, to silence, to focus and to rest!.

In my environment I have two computers, internet, hundreds and hundreds of books, a vision board, my calendar/schedule, no phones, my cats, a stereo, records (vinyl!) and CDs, windows facing my cactus garden, crazy posters on the wall that only I like, some of my own work and a few of my awards!.

When I get stuck I leave or take a nap, or cook a meal!. Or take a shower!.

It is in these times of rest that the brain works best!. So where ever it is you decide to make your creative ventures happen, you need a place to escape from it!. Even if it's just across the street to the park!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm inspired by great artwork and fine music!. It's about the spirit of creativity -- the colors, the lights, the mood, the sound!. A balcony pointing toward the sea might be a luxury based on what you're trying to achieve creatively!. But most of all, it's really about yourself!. Anything that puts you in touch with yourself is a powerful creative environment!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

My studio has a comprehensive library of books and reference images!. It also has a lot of other reference material such at seedpods, bark, sticks, things found on the beach, seahorses, skulls, lifesize manikins!. The list is endless!.

I also surround myself with things I love, perfumes that I like to smell and music I like to hear!. Often when I'm doing important work, I light a candle before each work session and extinguish it afterwards!. I don't know why I do that!.

Anyway, something is working!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

my creative environment is in the backyard forest!. there is so many thing to draw and paint in the area!. animals, trees, the river, berries!. i think it is the best place for anyone to let it all out!.
Hope it helpsWww@QuestionHome@Com