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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Can someone please redirect me to a website where I can find masculine colors?

Question: Can someone please redirect me to a website where I can find masculine colors!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

I typed in the following keywords:

masculine color palette

There were tens of thousands of hits, but this one looked like a good one:


also, while not a website, the following book is wonderful for reviewing color options:

PANTONE: Guide to Communicating with Color!. I purchased it at Barnes and Noble, but you can also find it online--or through your local library!.

Apple!.com has a virtual version online: http://www!.apple!.com/pro/color/tools/pan!.!.!.

Finally, if you're targeting your work towards a male audience, be aware of the incidence of green/red color blindness in males!. For this reason, when asked about color preference, many males will choose a clear, soft blue color as their *favorite color!.

Know your demographic target!. Color is trendy, and can go in and out of "fashion!." Different generations of males perceive colors in different ways!. Over the last decades, androgyny has become more visible and acceptable!. The whole idea of gender-based color is being blurred--as are the roles men and women played, in past generations!. Know your audience, get inside the psychographics of your target!. Only then, will you really know how color impacts *them!.

Good luck!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Just look around you and pick out the colors you like!.

Everything else is, probably, a masculine color!.Www@QuestionHome@Com