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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Quick simple drawing practices? To all you crazy artists out there?

Question: Quick simple drawing practices!? To all you crazy artists out there!?
I don't like art lessons!.!.!.
I had to learn by my own hand!.!.!.
But I want to get a whole lot better!.!.!.
Is there a simple drawing exercise with drawing to help me
get better on my own!?
\\Key word being simple//Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Well how i learned was just drawing alot, but im sure thats not the answer you want!. So you can start by drawing abstract pictures to get the strokes down then stick figures with different poses, then adding muscle and cloths to them, i was never able to draw hands so i find ways to avoid those such as hiding them behind tails, cloaks, etc!.!.!. after the stick figures try to learn anime their simple yet help alot in clothing and facial features!. then from there on out u can do w/e you want!. If u need any more tips message me at myspace!.com/wushuwolfWww@QuestionHome@Com