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Question: Are these advanced for a 4 year old!?
I was driving my 4-year old cousin back home, and we passed a lake!. She has a digi-camera, and the entire way back she was taking pictures, not to mention in the woods at our farm!. She also took pics of my feet (lol) and she screamed STOP when we got by the lake!. I almost had a heart attack! She ran out and got a shot of the lake!. I was in complete awe when she showed me her pics!. Is she a photographer protogy!?


Her parents are really mean to her, and she spends all het time outside, only inside for bedtime, sometimes she sleeps in her yard though!. Animals have a major thing for her, rabbits aren't scared of her, they cuddle alot!. Deer, badgers, snakes, other wild animals are scared of her, or try to attack her!. It's animal insticts, but the rabbits are creeping me out!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
well my 3 year old showed interest in taking pictures he started at 2 and half with my phone and i decided to get him a children friendly digital camera to keep mine in tact-kids today are more alert adn tech sawvy but i do realyy think your cousin have a different way of looking at things and THAT what going to make her a very edgy photographer!.!. I would look around for programs that will teach her techniques and captures of light etc!.!. It is sad that her parents are unaware of her talent if she was mine i would go beyond the call of duty to get all the essentials she needs!. Go to toys r us or google ad see if you can get her kits to keep her interest!. I would also try to make a calendar of all the pictures she did adn give it to her parents and let her put her own caption of what and why she took them MAYBE they will wake up and get interested in her!. yo ucan ask the family members to help by giving her gifts the will nurture her talent!. computer softwares, camera accessories, etc!.!. printer!. Hope all is well!. She is talented adn needs someone to llok over her adn i hope you can do that for her!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Not too shabby!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Awesome pics for that age! She's still in the "point the camera at it and snap" phase but she has a natural eye for composition (even though she probably doesn't realize why she likes shots set up like she does)!.

Keep encouraging her and don't do a lot of "yeah but do it this way" or "let me show you the right way"!. At that age, let the natural love of the art develop without interference!. Just be glad that digital is cheap (no tons of film to pay developing costs on)!.
