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Position:Home>Visual Arts> How did realism art come about?

Question: How did realism art come about!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It was in response to Romantic art, which would take ideas and build on them so they were romanticized and much cooler than what actually happened!. A good example of this is Napoleon crossing the Alps by Jaques-Louis David!. He's depicted on this rearing stallion When in fact, he was on a mule!. Compare it with Delaroche's!. I have links to both!.
Realism just wanted to capture real life, without trying to make it more exciting!.

If you look at a lot of art it seems that it was in response to what was before it, with the exception of the Renaissance, which was in response of the discovery of Pompeii!.Www@QuestionHome@Com