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Question: A Career as a Graphic Artist!?
How easy is it to get a job after graduation!?

What's the starting $!?

Is being a graphic artist stressful, laid-back, in between, or a little of all three depending on your current project or whatever!?

Do you work with other people or alone as a graphic artist!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Starting salary depends on where you live and how much experience you have!. Most places that offer more money wont hire you out of college because you don't have experience!. Most of the time you have to find a entry level position and get your experience, then you can move on to bigger and better things!.

Whether or not you work with people or on your own depends on the company!. My last job as a graphic artist I worked with a team, my current job I am the only graphic artist for the company!. I work at the corporate office and we have 6 branches!.

Some days can be extremely stressful or completely laid-back!. It really depends on what type of people you work with, for example sales people, marketing people etc!. Doesn't matter where you work you will always encounter stressful situations, tight deadlines and many more that i cant think of right now!.Www@QuestionHome@Com