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Question: Color Theory!? HELP!!?
I am a high school student who has never studied color theory before!. I'm not even in an art class right now, I'm just trying to understand it on my own and it's hard!. I look up hue and it says "color!." Then I look up chroma, and it says "color!." Um, what!? If hue and chroma are the same thing, then why do they each have a position on the Munsell color chard thingy!? So, yeah, I'm confused!.

Can someone please give me a clear definion of the following terms!?

*Value (I thought I knew what it meant, but now I'm all mixed up!.)
*Luminescence (does this even have to do with colors, or am I just
*Anything else you think I should know about colors and stuff!.

also, the scales/rates!? Like if a color has a chroma of 10, does that mean it's really pure or not really!? Am I making any sense!? ^^

Anyways, if you could please help me I would be so grateful!.
prompt and helpful = best answer <3Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Ok so Saturation is the intensity of the color!. Think of baby pink verses hot pink!.

Value is the dark/lightness of a color!. Value is usually presented as grays but also applies to color!. A dark blue is a darker value than a light blue!.

also consider Color schemes!. Color schemes are made by looking at a color wheel!. You've got RGB in a circle with the intermediate colors in between and the tertiary colors between!. By choosing three colors next to each other you've chosen a analogous color scheme!.

Check this website out!. It explains really well!. http://www!.colormatters!.com/colortheory!.!.!.!.

Good luck figureing it all out and sorry i didn't know the other terms!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I've been through art school at the college level, most people who see my work consider me to be an excellent colorist, yet I never spent much time on the theory!. I'm not sure if you're asking this question out of scientific curiosity, or as a way to improve your work!.

If you're just looking to improve your work, I think the best thing that you can do is look at the work of the Masters!. I'm a painter, and in my opinion the greatest colorists of all time would include the likes of Veronese, Titian, and Turner!. There are other great artists out there that are certainly Masters, but paid much less attention to color; Carravaggio for instance!.

If you're a practicing artist, I think the best thing that you can do is spend hundreds of hours looking at the masterpieces that others have created!. Eventually you'll either understand it intuitively, or you won't!. There's no scientific formula you can study that will make you the next Veronese!.

Maybe you're not an artist, but a scientist; in which case, I hope your study of color theory proves me wrong and you can create the perfect formula for beauty!. Otherwise, don't get hung up on definitions and terms and spend more time just LOOKING!.Www@QuestionHome@Com