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Position:Home>Visual Arts> When you paint a portrait do you paint what you see or you change what you see?

Question: When you paint a portrait do you paint what you see or you change what you see!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
it depends on your preference, honey! im an artist,

The terms realism and naturalism are used to describe how closely objects seen in a work of art resemble those we experience in everyday life!. The terms are closely related but not quite interchangeable!.

1!. Realism suggests a precise copying of the actual appearance of objects, warts and all!.

2!. Naturalism is a way of depicting objects as they might exist—in other words, it implies a certain amount of improvement of the actual appearance!.

I just hope It could help you in one way or another!.!.!.to directly answer your question, I dont!. especially if it depicts true face value!.

IDEALISM refers to a perfected, or idealized, view of nature!. (ex!.,graffiti about nature, etc!.) Sometimes this idealized image comes from an idea in the mind, rather than anything actually observed in nature!. Idealized works also may be naturalistic in that they are based upon nature, but at the same time they ignore imperfections!. Idealized portraits, for example, show the subjects in flattering ways, whereas realistic portraits show them with more flaws, but also with more individuality!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Paint what I see as far as the person goes!. I've always looked at it as trying to capture a moment in time and if they wanted changes done, (Made thinner or younger or whatever!.) I never did it because then it's not a portrait, it becomes a illustration of what they wish they were!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

remember that what you 'see' isn't real to begin with, it's an interpretation of the light that goes into your brain via your eyes, no two people see an object exactly the same way!!

I always change what i see to emphasize a certain characteristic of the person i am painting, if they are sad i will use blue tones etc!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I paint the subject's personality as well as countenance!.!.!.Its getting the nuance of character that makes a portrait work!. Yes, I do leave out battle scars and worts upon request!. I am not an artist, I am a painter!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

In portraiture one seeks to be accurate, although I have noted artists unwittingly paint their likenesses onto the countenance of the painted!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

it depends with u'r idea to expressWww@QuestionHome@Com