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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Are there any colors we dont know of?

Question: Are there any colors we dont know of!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Researchers have discovered that the eyes must 'LEARN' to see certain shapes and colors while young, or it is difficult to perceive these later in life!. Kittens raised in an environment without any vertical lines, (a round container) when released walked right into table legs and other vertical objects as if they could not 'see' them!. A person who is color blind often learns the names of colors that he 'thinks' he sees correctly, only to discover when he is tested that he can't see it the way others do!. My biology professor didn't learn he was color-blind until he was in college!. A class testing eyesight as a lab was the first he knew of it!. He was shocked and surprised!
A person born blind who has a surgery to fix the problem as an adult, has a lot of learning and coping to do and maybe will never see quite the same as everyone else!. He would have to completely re-adjust his perceptions of the world, and how would he know if he saw it 'right'!?
If there were color we couldn't see, how would we know!? Our brain would probably shift it to the color closest to it that we do know or else not perceive it at all!. How would we name it!? How would one person know if anyone else saw it the same!?
An interesting idea! Sounds like a science fiction story or may be it explains something supernatural!?
Live well and do good!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

depends of whether we can see them or not, we can only see a fraction of the electromagnetic spectrum, and so you could class the rest as colours, take infra red and UV, they are sorta colours!.!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


The color spectrum is like points on a circle!. They are infinite!. Its not so much that we don't know of them, they just do not have names!.Www@QuestionHome@Com