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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Does anyone work from home using the partner with paul technique?

Question: Does anyone work from home using the partner with paul technique!?
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So, I just had a look at that link and watched the video!. I think he's doing a sort of franchising out of his web marketing setup!. It is possible to make money like that, but you have to be willing to inflict ads on people!. also, you would need to spend time keeping on top of things, and be aware of taxation and other legal issues!.

Although he says it's not a pyramid scheme, fundamentally it would have to be!. How else would he make money off you!? also, there will have to be some outlay from you --there's still no free lunch!. However, there's no reason it can't work!.

I'm not tempted at the moment because my hourly rate is already pretty good, and I'm not very interested in the type of business he's running!. But it didn't strike me as a giant scam!.Www@QuestionHome@Com