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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Im in a photography contest everytime i take a picture it does not come out the

Question: Im in a photography contest everytime i take a picture it does not come out the way i want what should i do!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Don't press the shutter button so fast!. Take your time observe everything, fix your shadows, reflections, any outside activity that you need to control go ahead and control!. then look at your apreture, ISO speed, etc!. once you have done everything to make your picture perfect then hit the shutter button!. Don't base all of your picture on your camera, you make the picture not the camera!. who cares if you're the one who takes the longest, great things need time!. E-mail me if you have any questions!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Photography is just like any other art; it requires knowledge, skills, and abilities!. This comes from time and practice!. Don't pick up a camera and think, why aren't my images stunning!? Professional photographers have spent years projecting their skills, not to mention schooling, too!. Instead, think, How can I make my images stunning!?

I cannot tell you exactly what is going on with your images, but 9 times out of 10, it's poor composition!. An image that is not new or well composed is not worth looking at!. Think of different angles!. Lighting is another factor that is often overlooked!. Though, it is the most important aspect!.

The only thing I can really suggest is study, learn, and practice photography!. With time, you'll get better!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If you are using a digital camera, then keep experimenting with your shot until it comes out the way you want by viewing the shot in the playback on the back of the camera!. Or else,
alter the shot in photoshop to what you want!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Sorry girl!.!.!. some people just aren't born with the gift!.!.!. drop out of the contest!

Maybe if you spent less time complaining on YA and practicing, you'd have less problems!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Post one and tell us what you think is wrong with it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com