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Question: Bridge Project-- HEEELLLPPP!?
Okay, so I have to do a project based on bridges, sounds easy right!?!.!.!. WRONG! This isn't your everyday popsicle build-a-bridge project, this bridge has serious meaning!. The bridge is supposed to represent the bridge you build in relationships, you know the whole 'me and you meet halfway on the bridge and become a we' thing!. Well I have to do some form of artwork (sculpture, painting, photography, WHATEVER i want) but I am not very artistic and am completely STUMPED! Any Ideas!?!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
If you're making a real bridge, then you should definitely use balsa wood!. i made a bridge once, using balsa wood, and it worked very well!. You can just use regular school glue, and use a zig zag pattern!. It really isn't as hard as it seems!. Balsa wood can be purchased at many stores!.Www@QuestionHome@Com