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Position:Home>Visual Arts> How do i get my pix to have this "glow" effect?

Question: How do i get my pix to have this "glow" effect!? http://i29!.tinypic!.com/et8os6!.!.!.!. what is that effect called!?
maybe i can find it on a photo editor site if i know then name of itWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
i think over exposure is what your going for!? if so use a camera in manual mode and overexpose over by 1-2 stops


That looks like a high contrast, soft focus shot!. There are a variety of techniques for achieving those 2 effects!. The easiest way is to make a copy!. Then copy the copy!. Each progressive copy will have less sharpness and more contrast!.

There's 2 common techniques to soften focus!. One way is to put a black net over the lens!. Back in the glory days of the Hollywood glamor shot, the photographer would ask to borrow one of the subject's fishnet stockings!. Another softening technique is to selectively apply petrolatum (petroleum jelly or Vaseline) to a filter over the lens!. Caution! Petroleum jelly may contain carcinogens!. A thin band of jelly around the edge will slightly decrease sharpness, working towards the center will soften more!.

The easiest way to increase contrast in a digital image is to use an editor!. If you're shooting film, increasing development time (push processing) will increase contrast!. For maximum contrast with film, underexpose and overdevelop!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yeah - that effect is called "being out of focus and having all of the highlights blown out"!. Not necessarily something to be emulated!. From what I can tell, it's appearing the subject took the picture of herself, and as such was both too close to the lens for the camera to focus correctly and causing the flash to wash out her already pale skin!.

I just wish people would take pictures of themselves using tripods!.!.!. It would be nice!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't know about glow, but the photo looks out of focus and has high contrast!. Maybe that is what makes it "glow"!?Www@QuestionHome@Com