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Position:Home>Visual Arts> How can i blur moving cars (e.g on a street at night) on a nikon d50?

Question: How can i blur moving cars (e!.g on a street at night) on a nikon d50!?
I've seen many pictures of motor-ways at night were the lights from the cars are all blurred lines on top of the original picture !. !. how can i achieve this with a nikon d50!? what shutter speeds and exposure would i need to set etc!. !? thanks !.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Fix your ISO on 200!. Set the f-stop at f11 on manual!. Set the manual shutter speed at 30 seconds!. Set your manual focus on a point where the most interest lies!. Put the camera on a good tripod!. Shoot away and check out the results on your LCD screen!. Vary the shutter speed up or down according to your likes!. Depending on how fast the vehicles are moving will determine how long the "streaks" are!. The slower the shutter speed the longer the light streaks!. It's lots of fun, especially when you can see the results instantly!. The beauty of digital is that you can "see" the results and then vary the parameters according to your taste and what you want the image to look like!. Have fun!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

First of all, you will want a tripod for sure!.

You'll need to use a longer shutter speed and smaller aperture(bigger number!. Remember the smaller the aperture the bigger the number)!. I don't shoot much night time photography, but I'm guessing an aperture of just 5!.6 or smaller will be small enough at night!. Play with the settings a little bit! Try using your bulb setting(I'm not sure what it's called on Nikon) if you have a remote!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Typically this is done by opening the aperture wide and then opening the shutter for a couple of minutes!. Of course, you are going to want the camera mounted on a tripod and you'll probably want to bracket aperture and exposure settings until you receive the effect you want!.Www@QuestionHome@Com