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Position:Home>Visual Arts> I have a huge blank canvas...?

Question: I have a huge blank canvas!.!.!.!?
what shall i do with itWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Paint a picture of a woman beneath a black pyramid!. The pyramid will have a lotus flower curling around it!. The woman will be in full nude with a transparent veil around her body!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Paint it with a big housepainter's brush (or two or three) fastened to the end of a long stick like a broomstick!. Use liquid acrylic paint or housepaint!. The distance will let you paint a bold abstract work!.

Or, stand well back and throw paint-soaked rags at it!. This is very messy!.

Or, pour pigment onto it and tip it around in various directions to let the colours flow!. Experiment with more and less water!.

Or, start collaging and painting onto it and let the picture build organically!. This will only look good if you have some design sense!.

Hooray, another question that lets me live vicariously! I wish I had a huge canvas and room to work on it!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Intimidating, isn't it!?!.!.!. Cover it with a coat of burnt unber mixed with whatever medium you have available!.!.!.Liquin is good!.!.!.it stays workable but will be dry by morning!. Now, once you have it coated, rip up and old t-shirt and use your fingers wrapped in the t-shirt fabric to wipe away whatever images come to mind!.!.!.human figures, landscape, big fruits and veggies, mythical creatures,etc!. (Choose one or two of these, DON'T do them all!.!.!.I mean be selective and have a theme!.) When you've done this go to bed!. The "wipe out" should be dry by morning!. In the morning lay out your colors on your palette and start coloring up your wipe out using the lights and darks of the wipe out as you value guide for the mixed values of your colors!. It'll be magic!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


Oh, I can think of lots of things!.!.!.Maybe you should start googling images with subjects that interest you!. You can stumble on some neat ideas that way!. Try vague and obscure searches like "rain", "love", "strength", "feet", etc!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Put it over your lawn mower if your leave it outside!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Walk around it until you get an idea!. It will come!Www@QuestionHome@Com