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Position:Home>Visual Arts> When was the camera first invented and when were the first photographs of people

Question: When was the camera first invented and when were the first photographs of people taken!?
When was the camera first invented and when were the first photographs of people taken!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Wikipedia is your friend on this one!.

The first camera was the camera obscura and was invented long before the pioneers of modern photography Niepce and Daguerre!. In fact the first true camera obscura dates back to around 1000 A!.D!., and was invented by an Iraqi scientist by the name of Abu Ali Al-Hasan!. It should be noted that the camera obscura was not originally designed to take photographs but to aid in drawing and painting!.
Fast forward to 1839 in which the first photographic image of a human was made!. The photograph is entitled "Boulevard du Temple" and was taken by what many historians consider to be the inventor of modern photography(though Niepce did create a photographic image 10 years before Daguerre anounced to the world he invented photography)Www@QuestionHome@Com

There are many conflicting dates in the text books,!826 is a rough starting point!.The camera obscura is shown in Da Vinci's notebooks and probably pre dates him!.For images of people,1838!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com
