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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Its a camera question !! any photographers there? !!!?

Question: Its a camera question !! any photographers there!? !!!!?
ok, so im doing this photo thing
and i already uploaded the pics but i need to print them out but there too big to fit in one page,
so basely how do you make pictures smaller!?!?

oh yeah, i need to finish this by tomorrow so yeah

THANK YOU!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
you could put them onto microsoft word and resize them there!. or there's special freeware programs on the net that you can download!. just go to google, and type free image resizerWww@QuestionHome@Com

IF you have Adobe Photoshop your troubles are over!. 1!.-Make a duplicate of the original!. 2!.-Use the cropping tool and put in the "size" you want each image to be (ex: 5X7 or 8X10), then use the tool and crop the image to whatever ratio it gives you!. 3!.-If you want the whole image as it is to be resized, then access the "Image" function at the top and click on image size!. Then change it, and wala, it's done!.
Do these alterations ONLY with the duplicate!. NEVER the original!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

if your using a windows os, open the file the photos are in {its easier if you make a file that ONLY has the phones you wan tto use in it}, on the left, there should be options, you want to PRINT PICTURES, then that hsould open a print wizard, just follow the directions, and you will get to a place that you can pick what size to print, and click print all :)

yep its that easyWww@QuestionHome@Com