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Position:Home>Visual Arts> For an amateur, what do you think of the quality of these photos?

Question: For an amateur, what do you think of the quality of these photos!?
I know they aren't the best, I took them on a very cheap digital camera, but overall, I think these are some of my best photos (I have a total of 154)
1!. http://www!.flickr!.com/photos/9319951@N04!.!.!.
2!. http://www!.flickr!.com/photos/9319951@N04!.!.!.
3!. http://www!.flickr!.com/photos/9319951@N04!.!.!.
4!. http://www!.flickr!.com/photos/9319951@N04!.!.!.
5!. http://www!.flickr!.com/photos/9319951@N04!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
You have nice looking pets, the cat's markings are striking!

With a cheap digicam, you really have to work to get decent images!. Step one is the owner's manual!. Some of your pictures were out of focus, perhaps because you were too close!. Study your camera manual and know what the settings are and how they affect your photos!.

You will probably get better results outdoors in nice shade, or on an overcast day, or late in the afternoon!. On the first dog picture, you were standing above looking down, and the dog is not looking at you!. Pet pictures are better when shot at their level and making eye contact!.

also, look behind your subject and see what is in the background!. If it's cluttered, straighten up, or move to a different angle for your shot!. Sometimes moving a step or two one way or another can work wonders!. Here is an example!. Yesterday I shot my grandson on our home-town's new baseball field!. (The team took some Little Leaguers on the field at the beginning of last night's game!.) I took a couple of pictures from the baseline right before they went out on the field!. When I got home and loaded the images on the computer, I saw I had a light pole "growing" out of my grandson's head!. Typical beginner mistake, and I have been shooting 30 years! It took about a minute to fix it in Photoshop, but I could have stepped a foot to my right or left and "fixed" it before snapping!. So always be aware of what the background is doing!

You have some nice pictures for your photo album!. You can begin learning about the technical and artistic sides of photography and improve your images!. Even if your camera can't shoot on manual, you can learn about shutter speed and aperture and depth of field!. You can learn about light and composition!. Study good pictures in magazines and on pro websites!. Look at the lighting!. Pay attention to the angles of the shot, and what is in the picture!. How close or far away, and why!? Keep learning and shooting and your pictures will get better and better!. Best wishes!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

"they aren't the best" I agree with you, Then photography is a skill and a art, so it dont happen overnight!.

A tripod, better lighting, attention to view points and backgrounds, some study of composition and your images will improve a lot!.


I love 2 and I was happy to see 3!. Who is the dog in picture 1!? Do you have a third dog!? AND WHY IS TRIXIE NOT IN THEIR!?! Nice to see your famous cats finally and some new mystery dog in picture 1!. I think picture 2 is a really good picture!. The cat looks like it is posing for a magazine cover and trying to be adorable and succeeding!. MEyOw! WoOhFF! Arph!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I loved the 5th one!. So beautiful!.
The first one was really cool too, especially how the light is coming in!. And I think the 3rd one is cool if it had a different kind of background contrast because the animal is soooo black!.
Good job, amateur!. Keep it up!! You're getting there!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

As snapshots go they are OK!. Most are slightly out of focus and several seem to have a white balance problem!.

Spend more time reading & studying the Owner's Manual for your camera and you'll get better results!.

Keep practicing!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The one of the black cat is great but you're getting too close to the subject in all of the others!. Add some depth to the shots!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Most are blury and get rid of the time stamp!. also try more interesting subjects, you might love the pictures of your pets because they are your pets but they look like just snap shots to me!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think the photo's are great!. The first and last seem a bit blurred, but other than that I like the perspective on most of them, 3rd and 4th being my favorite!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

the quality of your camera doesnt matter!.!.!. if you take the pictures in black n white they turn out real nice!.!.!.All u have to do is focus on the lighting and ur picture turns out real well!.!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

omg you are a great photographer!. u may hav a long career ahead of you!. KEEP TAKING PICS!!! better than ametuerWww@QuestionHome@Com

i liked themWww@QuestionHome@Com