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Question: Which lens filter should I get!?
I am about to buy a Canon 70-200 mm f/2!.8 IS lens!. Apart from the lens, I wanted to buy a basic filter, primarily for protection!. I haven't experimented much with filters till now (just have basic UV filters on my other lenses)!. Not sure which filter would do the job (I primarily have to shoot in low-light concerts)!. Could you recommend me a filter that is also available on Adorama!.com !. Thanks in advance for all your help!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
If you dont want to use a UV filter for protection they do make clear "filters" to protect your actual lens glass!. It is a lot cheaper than repleacing a lens!. I bought one for each of my lens and the most expensive one was 20!.00!.

I dont know what filter would help you with the low light problem!. that is for your settings to correct, but to suggest some that might give you some cool effects at a concert I would say these would be nice to have!.

A star filter (can get 4 point 6 point 8 point) which will give any lights the effect of looking like a star!. It might look cool as long as the lights are not too close to the subject as it would distort the figure!.

A center spot filter would also be cool!. It allows the center (your main subject) to be in focus while defussing the outer edges in a misty looking effect!. Gives you automatic depth of field effect!.

A yellow filter would do you some good when taking black and white photos it gives better texture to the black and whitesWww@QuestionHome@Com

I'm going to get a lot of crap for this, like always, but I never use a cheap UV filter just for protection!. This increases lens flares (quite dramatically) while also just slightly degrading the image quality!. You also have to be worried about certain color casts a non-neutral filter can give you!. My suggestion would be to look into either a good lens hood, using the lens cap, or buying a much better filter set!. This might just be me, but after using UV filters of my own, I discovered they do terrible things to image quality!. Others will strongly disagree, though, saying a UV filter protects the front element of the lens!. However, if you hit it hard enough, the glass shards would do much more damage than if you'd just used a lens hood instead!.

Back to your real question!. Anyway, I cannot suggest a filter that would help much in low-lit concerts!. Most filters are used in landscape work, such as split ND filters, graduated filters, circular polarized filter!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I understand & respect electrosmack1's reasons for not wanting to use the filter--but that lens is quite expensive and I really want the front element to stay clean!.

I do get Canon UV filter and they seem fine!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I would have suggested the circular polarizer, but for concerts that might not be a good idea!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com