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Question: Graffiti name!?
I am beginning to start writing but im still stuck on base 1!.!.!.thinking of a tag name!.!.!.
I know it should be something that represents ME or tells other people something about my style or what/why i write (graffiti)

i started out with infamy!.!.!.seeing if im gonna spread out around my neighbourhood id be "infamous" but i didnt because it was just too unoriginal

"stane" was another one (STAINing walls!.!.!.i know its not that great) but it was used by too many people already

so yeah, just your opinion on what i should take into account when thinking of my tag signiture and what i SHOULD or SHOULDNT include

oh and tag names you can think of or tag names you use (and why) would be helpful

thanks alot!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I have no idea what you should write!.

I started with graffiti when I was about 15, I began to express myself painting through doing murals and and throw ups, I stopped after a few years, times changed!. Anyway I can understand why you would want to write it is part wanting to express yourself, and part being accepted and feeling like you belong to a community of artists!.

I am now 29 I am now a glassblower(studio glass, not lampworking) and metal artist!.

If you are interested in art I would suggest, finding schools in your area!. They tend to offer a lot of free classes for youths, and I wish I would have known about this and started blowing glass when I was younger because, like graffiti painting, it is a skill that develops with time and it is dangerous, not in the sense of getting arrested, but being able to be cut and burned at the same time!.

The other thing that is good about other types of art other than graffiti, is you might actually get paid(on a regular basis) for things you make, whereas there is only so much demand for a graffiti artist!.

That being said, I heard about this artist with the tag Bonfy (or something like that), who sold a wall that he had done some art on for something crazy like a million bucks on ebay (he uses stencils)!.

I am living in Italy right now and I have seen some sick murals, but the ones that I have liked the best are not the murals of the artists tag name,but artistic depictions of abstract characters, and objects!. A lot of italian artists only do abstract, and character art, and the attention to detail is amazing!.

I think you can be really creative with graffiti art, I think tagging and bombing is destructive and annoying!. But if you can focus on your technique doing murals on free walls, or places that it doesn't really matter and you won't get busted, I think you will gain more respect for your stlye and artistic skills from your peers!.

You could go bomb a bus, or a train, but that doesn't mean you've got talent!.

Anyway I strongly reccomend learning to weld or blow glass (lampworking, or studio glass), or whatever takes your interest!. Check out art schools in your area, you can get free instruction!.

If you are still hell bent on writing, and you think you can find 1 word to summarize who you are and what it means to you !.!.!.more power to you!.

Just do me one favor and ask yourself, if this going to take you places where you want to be, and if you'll be proud of your work and to tell people what you do!.

There are supportive artistic communities everywhere, not only associated with graffiti!.

Good Luck to you MethodWww@QuestionHome@Com

GRR!.!. Don't do Graffiti!! just buy yourself a sketchbook or some blank canvas and do REAL art that doesn't damage other people's property!!!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I have an idea!. I'm having breakfast, and will post the word as soon as I've finished!.
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TOY! You are a stain on the sheets of society!.!.!. C!.U!.N!.T!. iv gotta cool bag dog f!.u!.c!.k!.e!.r you animal hater pigWww@QuestionHome@Com

include lik ur name and who u r i guess
my names Tiffany and lik i think im fat
so it turned out to be Tiphatiee
so idk if it helps
hope it did

killer's sky!.it is directly translated from chinese!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Stick to your own walls, mate!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com