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Position:Home>Visual Arts> If a black and white photo fades to sepia, then what colour does a sepia toned p

Question: If a black and white photo fades to sepia, then what colour does a sepia toned photo fade to!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I'm not sure where the joke is here, but!.!.!.

B&W fade to sepia if the fixer was not rinsed adequately!. This is one good thing about using "Hypo-Clear" between the fixer and water rinse!. I always rinsed the final prints for something like 20 minutes under running water!. Put the tray under a tap with the water running slowly to insure that it is constantly renewed!. Put the most recent prints on top of the stack and remove them from the bottom after 20 minutes or more!.

Now!.!.!. What's the joke!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

If there's a joke I'm too dumb to get it!.

However!. I've been going through all my late father's photographs, and a lot of them were B&W and have changed to a beautiful sepia, although some have faded more than that and are now very pale and difficult to make out!. They seem to go a yellowy colour, then white!.

I suppose it would depend upon the process used to make the print!. The ones I'm talking about were from the 1950's and very early sixties!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Thanks for the compliment, but your punchline was obviously way too subtle for me!.!.!. yawn!

!.!.!. : ) you suckered Sam and Lizzie too!

So I'm tempted to say olive drab like your humour!.!.!. you asked for that one!.Www@QuestionHome@Com