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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Anyone knjow how to make realistic, fluffly clouds on Photoshop CS2?

Question: Anyone knjow how to make realistic, fluffly clouds on Photoshop CS2!?
searching for stock photos is time consuming and frustrating, so I'd like to learn how to make clouds from scratch!. Basically the theme i'm looking for is "heaven-like" because i'm putting angel wings on someone and need an appropriate backgroundWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Filter>Render>clouds (instant)

OR http://tutorialoutpost!.com/view/6338/dra!.!.!. (time-consuming but good practice)

but for the job you describe I would just use my own photo of clouds!. If you don't have any, take a few next time you're in an airplaneWww@QuestionHome@Com

Their is an option in Corel just like Phtoshop that paints ready-made clouds!.
You have to check where the paintbrush fill is!.Www@QuestionHome@Com