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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Do iphones take pictures???

Question: Do iphones take pictures!?!?!?
i have no idea!. they have a little dot in the back so i wanted to know!. i dont have one and i am planning to get itWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
yea it does
and the quality is amazingWww@QuestionHome@Com

Yes it does, but keep in mind, it is still a phone first!.!.!. NOT a camera!. NO cell phone camera will equal a REAL camera!. So just don't be thinking you can make 16 x 20 enlargements or shoot in low light without horrible digital noise!.

The iphone is better than most, but still poor when judged against a true camera!.


Steve P - have you seen the image quality from the Nokia N95!? It's as good as most compact digital cameras!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

yeah they do and they take like the best pictures!. They come out real clearWww@QuestionHome@Com