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Question: Handwriting!?
I really want to learn a more old fashioned, beautiful style of handwriting!. Do you know any websites or anything that could help me!. It would be great to just have an alpahbet to look at!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I think 'italic handwriting' might be what you are looking for,
there's a tutorial here which looks quite good:

My Grandma had really cool handwriting (1920s)!.

Kind of like this but not so blocky: http://image!.linotype!.com/samples/text/8!.!.!.

She had several alphabet books, and typography books!. See if you can get to a library to page through some old typography books!. That way you can see many differnt styles!.

Google Images + Typography comes up with several links!.

Cool Script Link:


Try this site for examples of American script usually called Spencerian penmanship: http://www!.fonts!.com/AboutFonts/Articles!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com