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Question: Creating Comics!?
I was just wondering, if anyone out there on here creates comics!. If so, do you just do it by hand and ink it, or do you make it o the computer!? If on the computer, what program do you use!? ( Photoshop, Indesign, Illustrator!.!.!.!.!.!.) I was just wondering since I would like to make my comics look more polished!. Any advice, or anything you want to share would be appreciated!. :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
There are any number of ways you can make a comic strip, from drawing it entirely with a pen or pencil on folded pieces of paper, to drawing it and then scanning and doing clean-up digitally, or doing the entire thing digitally!. You can use any tools to string together sequential images in any way to make a comic!. There are no rules, there are no limits!.

If you're really interested in making a comic, you should definitely buy or take a trip to the library to take out Scott McCloud's "Making Comics!." It's a great book and sequel to his "Understanding Comics" which not only goes over some of the tools and techniques of making comics, but deconstructs the concepts, theories, standards and practices of visual storytelling!.

Best part is, the book about comics is a comic book itself!


also, any Digital imaging suite like Adobe Photoshop can be used to make comics!. Some free alternatives are Paint!.NET and Gimp or Gimpshop!.



Kazu Kibuishi has a step-by-step tutorial on how he makes his webcomic, "Copper," on this site:


There are also some programs you can use that try to help making comics easier!. Manga Studio is a popular choice for black and white comics!. However, it's pretty pricey!.

There's also TokyoPop's Manga Creator:

It's much much cheaper than Manga Studio, and easier to use!. The dowside is that it has less features!. It's up to you what you'd want to spring for!.


There's also Comic Book Creator 2, which is fairly cheap!. Which usually means, easy to use but low on advanced features:


It's up to you to find out exactly what these programs can do and decide whether it's worth paying for that extra functionality!.

If you're on a Mac, there's Comics Life!. It should already be on your Mac, I think!. If it's not, you can download a demo here:


Most of my illustrations, done in a realistic form start off as pencil sketches!. Sometimes I may ink them before scanning them into the computer for finishing and coloring!.

In any case, before I'm done, they will end up framed or otherwise bordered in Photoshop, Illustrator or InDesign!. The way I see it, is why should I pull out an inkpen and bottle of messy ink when my computer can draw a line much neater and straighter than I can with a straightedge!.

I will, often, take a finished illustration and crop it in Photoshop, or mask it in Illustrator to fit in the space required, such as on a comic page!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I do it all by hand, pen and ink (technical pen, but the disposeable kind)!. I may scan them to the computer later to put up on www!.drunkduck!.com but they're actually going to be printed up for sale at a Renn Faire in August, so I'm working on cleaning up the lines and getting things photocopied down!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Depends on the preference!. Drawing by hand is fine and more people are using Photoshop to good effect!.Www@QuestionHome@Com