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Question: Reducing File Size!?
I need to reduce the file size of a picture that I took with my digital camera!. I was in Greece in early April for 9 days, and every picture I took was at the resolution of 2816x2120 (or something very similar)!. As a result, my pictures are beautifully clear but have a file size upwards of 2 MB each! I want to put one of them as my background on my 360 page, but the limit there is 250 KB per image!. The files are saved as JPEGs and I have gotten them down to about 750 KB but I still need to reduce the file size more!. How can I do that!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
There are two ways!.

First - experiment with the jpg compression!. In Photoshop, for example, select "save as", jpg format, then the next dialog gives you a slider from 1-10!. Web formats do not NEED highest quality and can't display it all!. Usually you can set this to 4-6 without visible image loss!. This in itself will reduce size immensely!.

Second, the pixel width needs to change!. Web browsers display images at 72 pixels per inch!. On a 1020 resolution monitor (for example,) anything larger than 1020 pixels width is going to chop off on the right side of the screen!. So your images are basically almost three times as wide as can be viewed without side-scrolling!.

The image resize function in Photoshop (or any other graphic program) will allow you to resample the image to say, 800 pixels wide (recommended max for web!.) Save the image AS SOMETHING ELSE to avoid overwriting your original file!.

On resizing, the images may "soften" a bit!. You will need to run a sharpening mask on the file as a final touch!. This will bring the sharpness back into your image!.

If you don't have one of the Photoshop programs, you can do this with GIMP, a free graphics editor!. Find it by the search engine of your choice!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Try changing them to other formats such as bitmap, it may help!.

Making them in black and white could lower it (you can do it in ms paint easy)

Shrinking them to half size, or cropping the edges will lower the size!.

Other than that, theres not much you can do!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Either reduce resolution or reduce compression quality!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

if you want you pics to be clear, it won't get lower than 750kb!.Www@QuestionHome@Com