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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Is it bad to bring in a portfolio of 4x6's?

Question: Is it bad to bring in a portfolio of 4x6's!?
It's just for Sears Portrait studio, but I really can't afford to buy 20 8x10's!. Will it look bad if I bring in a portfolio of 4x6's!?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I'd ditch the tiny photo idea!.!.!.not impressive!. Would you be impressed if the shoe was on the other foot!? Look at it as an investment and go to WalMart kiosks!. 8x10's are around $5 per sheet, not bad!. IF you can't do all you want in that size, then pick say your 5 best and make your portfolio artsy looking by having the 8x10's creatively displayed with the smaller photos that relate to the same subject carefully placed around the large ones!. Does that make sense!? Then you save a little cash, show your artisitic eye and hopefully gain a job!. :)
Good luck!!!!

I interview many models and see tons of portfolios!. If you can't afford 8 x 10, then go for 5 x 7!.

But, why not take your best photos, and do 8 x 10!. You will have less than 5 x 7 but your shots to being interviewed are much better!. Trust me !!!

also, forget the color and just do black and white!. That is still good and cheaper!. The interviewer will see you in color so who cares!.

Good Luck Shara :-)Www@QuestionHome@Com

If your going to pursue anything in photography , the first and foremost thing you need to do is get a good looking portfolio!. Most studios/newspaper/art directors prefer to view photographs on 8X10 paper or larger!. I recomend buying an Epson printer that will print borderless 8X10's they usualy cost around $100- $200 Printers may seem a bit expensive BUT it will pay off in the long run !.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I agree with Leslie!. 8X10 is really the standard to shoot for!. Costco is actually another really good option if you are truing to cut your cost!. They do them in about 1 hour and are pretty good quality prints!. I just got 12 8X10's for $19!.27 yesterday!.

Your portfolio is your clients view into what kind of photographer you are!. You do not want to skimp in that area!. A few 8X10's is much better than a lot of 4X6 or 5X7 photo's!. You should be really are going for impact not quantity!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I agree with the others!. You have to think of what a little book of 4 x 6s is saying about you!. It says YOU do not consider your photos worthy of being printed any larger!. It says YOU are so unsuccessful with your photography that you can't even have decent size prints made!. It screams you are a total amateur!.

Would you apply for a job in dirty, ragged clothes with your hair a total wreck!? Then why show a cheap, goofy, amateurish 4 x 6 "portfolio"!? It makes the same kind of statement!. Don't shoot yourself in the foot before you even get started!.

If you have the time to wait a couple of weeks you can get good quality 8 x 10s for 49 cents each here:


Just be sure and put them in a very nice presentation portfolio when you have the prints!.!.!. no off the shelf Wally World stuff!.


Are you looking to get a photography job with them!? 8X10s are the standard for a photog showing their work in print form!. You should also set up a website that shows your stuff!. Geocities!.com is great and easy to use plus it's free and part of Yahoo!
The small pics make you look amateur!. You don't really need 20 8X10 pics!. If you have 10 relly great ones, you'll be fine!. You should think about investing in 8X10 prints of your work!. It will pay off!.


If you use Mpix, it will cost $1!.69 per 8x10, plus $5!.00 shipping and handling!. That's less than a forty dollar invesment in your future!. 5x7's in this quantity are 89¢, bringing the bill to $22!.80!. There are cheaper places than that, but I know Mpix to be top notch!.


5x7 is MUCH better than 4x6, but like the others said, 8x10 would be ideal!. If you can't get the bigger, then I would, at the very least, get 5x7!.

Good luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com