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Question: Taking portraits!?!?
When taking portraits I have heard the eyes are suppost to be the focus, how do you get the eyes to be the focus!?!? also does that rule apply to pictures of animals too!?!? Thanks!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Put the camera on a tripod, raise it to eye level of the subject, and then point the lens directly at the eyes!. And yes, it applies to animals too!. The focus should be on the eyes, because a portrait is supposed to bring out the personality of the subject and "the eyes are the window to the soul"!. For animals, you want to get down on their level!. and shoot from a low angle!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

With your camera just put it on macro mode , like heres a shot that i put in macro mood with my nikon coolpix:


i used natural light , same settings for this shot :


so , be close up on macro mode and use natural lightWww@QuestionHome@Com