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Question: How can I take better photos!?!?
I am 15 and I have a nikon coolpix L10 how can I take better photos!?!? Http://flickr!.com/Carrierox4ever13Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Don't be so fast to push the button, and sit there for a second after the button is pushed!. Learn about composition, and how foreground and background make a picture better!. Lighting makes a big difference also, you need practice to learn as well!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Hi Carriero

The pics are nice!.!.!.!!! But your cropping lacks as well as the contrast on some images!. Yo know your good points so I will give the positive criticism!. Take it or leave it !!!

What i suggest is reading like you are doing!. You seem to have a good eye but always remember, the lens of the camera is the extension of your eye!.
When you take any photo, keep in mind what you are trying to convey to the viewer!. Period!. Nothing else matters!.

You need a good eye for color, imagination, sense of creativity!.!.That's it!. I see that you have some lighting issues, either you use too much or too little but that can be fixed!.

When I photo shoot models, I shoot for her best assets and disregard everything else!.
Keep that in mind!.!.!.!.!!!!:-)Www@QuestionHome@Com

I like what I saw!. You have a good eye and some creative ideas!. I like the flower pics! Just some pointers on the flowers-
focus on the pistil, try to fill the frame with the flower, and watch the lighting, I think flowers look best with back lighting on 45 degrees side lighting!. That really bring out the textures!Www@QuestionHome@Com

there are some good forums where you put your picture up and people can comment and give tips!.
One is redbubble!.com
but apart from that I don't know anyWww@QuestionHome@Com

study photographyWww@QuestionHome@Com

Y would you want to those are AMAZING!!! I love the lion and cheeta ones!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

its all about lighting!.!.!.!.!.!.!.

start using and abusing it
