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Position:Home>Visual Arts> I'm wanting to buy a D-SLR camera..?

Question: I'm wanting to buy a D-SLR camera!.!.!?
i'm looking to buy a D-SLR camera!.!.
i have a film camera right now!.!. i dont remember which kind, but its a Canon!.!. for a first year b&w photography class in highschool!.!.
The digital camera i have is more of a point and shoot!.!. and i'm looking for a more advanced digital camera!.!.

what are the cheaper price ranges for D-SLRs!.!.
and what is a good brand!.!. or just a good camera all together!?

Thank you in advanced!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
If your Canon is an EOS, then you can buy any Canon EOS digital SLR!.

If it is one of the older Canon cameras like the AE-1, then you will have to forget using the old lenses!.

You may as well look at both Canon and Nikon entry level cameras!. Just go into a camera store and try out both the Nikon and Canon cameras and see which fits your hands the best and are the easiest to control via both the menu and controls on the camera itself!.

Right now the Nikon D40 with 18-55 mm lens for under $470 gives you the most bang for the bux!.


A "lens range," meaning that the manufacturer has lenses from here to there for their equipment, is of little importance to a photographer who has no use for most of them!.

I would look for cameras that offer a couple of lenses, one running from wide angle to about the right lens for portraits and the other for longer telephoto shots!.

An 18-55mm zoom is limited in what it can do and you will have to purchase another to give you more range!. Many camera lines offer two lens kits and those are adequate for most users!. An ad for Canon in this AM newspaper said the price of one with a single lens was $599, and an additional lense could be had for a little less than $200, making the total package in the $800 range!. The same can be bought with another manufacturer for less than $500Www@QuestionHome@Com

New entry level DSLR's can be found in the $499 price range (NIkon D40, Olympus E410) to $699 (Pentax K200, Sony A300) to $899 (Canon Rebel Xsi/450D, Nikon D80)


all have made cameras for a very long time

Fuji DSLR's are a Nikon Chasis
Sony DSLR's is the new kid and have Minolta origins
Sigma, Leica, Panasonic also make DSLR's and may be worth a look too!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Any of the DSLRs will do you!. Canon and nikon have the best lens ranges!.

nikon a d40 -60 are good, canon rebels or 350d400d et cetera are good

check out the reviews and movies at the link


Whatever you decide to get, if it's your first D-SLR, go for a basic one, which gives you good manual controls, then spend more on lenses!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Please see my answer in the Camera section!.Www@QuestionHome@Com