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Position:Home>Visual Arts> What do you have to do to be a photographer?

Question: What do you have to do to be a photographer!?
I asked the photographer at Walmart and she said they could train you!? So do you even need schooling!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
My dear, my dear!.!.!. there's a reason why those people only get paid $7 an hour!.!.!. they aren't real professionals! Walmart, K-Mart, Sears, JC Pennys, etc!. all hire people who are good at sales and give them a 2 hour training on how to press a button!. If you haven't figured out this already, there is A LOT more involved!

Do you need schooling!? Not necessarily, but it always helps! There is so much to learn, and the help and feedback you get from the instructors is wonderful! If you are serious about becoming a professional photographer, definately consider going to school for it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There are some "photography" jobs that could easily be done by a trained ape!. They are usually minimum wage, low end jobs!.Www@QuestionHome@Com