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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Plasticine world?

Question: Plasticine world!?
I'm trying to revive my child-like creativeness ;) I decided to make a plasticine town, or maybe a world!. there's a house, a tree, two steamrollers, a bush, some apples under the tree and a caterpillar eating an apple, a woman on a chair next to the hourse and a dog next to the woman, a man (looking sad) on a chair a bit far away from the house, a cactus and a penguin next to him!.

what else would you think of as essential in a plasticine world!? :D feel free to be crazy!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Ice cream man, carousel, cat, lawn sprinkler, clock tower, roller skate scooter, hydrantWww@QuestionHome@Com