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Question: Is comic con nerdy!?
Is comic con nerdy!? I think it is *sigh* My friends asked me what I was doing this summer and I told them about comic con and they said EWWWW!. I'm a girl!. I'm going to te one in Sand Diego!. I feel bad and nerdy because of what my friends said!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
it's actually the *least* nerdy of all the cons I've been to, and i've been to over 50 different ones!.

The reason why is because it has a ton of really high profile celebrities!. In the past they've had Keanu Reeves, Steve Carrell, Jessica Alba, etc!. So actually what has happened is a bunch of normal, non-nerdy people come to the con in droves to see their favorite celebs!.

And actually, that is a point of contention amongst "real" nerds because normal people have overcome the nerd crowd by quite a large factor!. In that crowd you also have all the horror fans, video game fans, etc!. Because this isn't just comic books, it's *everything*!. In fact I've got lots of friends who aren't nerds at all who would love to see comic con because there's so much stuff at it!.

Not only that, but it will NOT be mostly men!. Half the crowd will be women and girls and they are all normal girls and many are very pretty (you will see them)!. They even have porn stars there! Tell your friends about that!.

Take a camera and bring them back to your friends, and you will prove how awesome the con is!. In fact if you have a video camera that's even better!. Here's my videos:



In fact if you watch the second video, you'll see the guy who does Triumph the insult comic dog on Conan O'Brien!. And he says on this video that basically he found it difficult to make fun of the nerds at comic con because there really weren't any there!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Ignore your friends!. If you had FUN that's all that matters!. Besides, it's hard to find that much good stuff all in one dealers room without being at a comic con, right!?

I personally don't care how nerdy sf conventions, anime cons or fantasy cons are either--you can meet up with all sorts of people who have the same interests as you and have fun, go to the panels, do art, bid on stuff in the art auction, and hear real artists and illustrators talk!.

It's a great place to be! Your friends just don't have the same interest as you do, it's no reflection on you or what you should be feeling about what you did this summer!

Think of it this way--if THEY were all into hiking clubs and you weren't, that's no reflection on them!. Just as their feeling of your interests are no reflection on you!. Enjoy what you do!. You don't need any guilt trips heaped on you!. (Psst -- If you tell them that it was 80% boys there, maybe that'll get their interest)Www@QuestionHome@Com

they are nerd!. thats right, its not a wrong thing!. so dont be scared bcoz u dont do wrong things!. unless u steal, lie, kill etc those are wrong!. but love comics, no!. from comics u can learn many moralities, heroes, which world needs now!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

yes - its nerdy - but you're a girl - and you will probably be the only one there - so all the guys will be yours for the takingWww@QuestionHome@Com

they're nerds for not liking nerd stuff, because nerd stuff is cool right now!
hope you have fun!Www@QuestionHome@Com